Even though I haven’t come to the realization that my four year old will begin Universal Pre K in a matter of days I know it will only benefit him. My eyes fill up with tears as I know he will be embarking on a new journey in his life. It makes me PROUD but I also have FEARS as well, which are normal, I guess. When I ask him if he’s ready, his response, “I can’t wait to go to school Mami” puts me a bit more at ease. I know I am NOT the only parent feeling this way. As I think about the children in my classroom I know having him in a classroom with children his own age, will only allow him to flourish even more. So as I get all worried the night before, on September 8th and suffer a bit of “mom guilt” for not being present for his first day, the following puts me at ease as a parent:

Preschoolers will be able to socialize with children their own age

Our preschoolers will begin to play with children their age and this enables them to take turns and share. They will witness role models of good behavior and maybe not so good behavior and they will learn from one another. They learn what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. They will have conversations that are age appropriate and imaginations will run wild together. I love watching my son laugh at my silly jokes and now he can laugh at the jokes of someone else. He can also learn to take verbal directions from another adult other than his father and myself.
Our Preschoolers will become more independent

It’s always a beautiful thing to see children learning from one another. Now, they will see boys and girls their own age completing independent activities such as taking off their coats when they walk into the classroom, unpacking, and develop more of a physical coordination. They will hop around and learn new things in a variety of subject areas. They will also expand their vocabulary listening to one another communicate. I am looking forward to all the new things he will come home and share!
These Preschoolers will become explorers

I am sure they don’t need that much of a tug but now they are introduced to recognizing shapes, colors, numerals, and they will develop their own interests now that they are being exposed to a variety of things. They will be able to bring what they learned from home into their classroom and explore with children in their age group. During this time they will expand on their interests and be able to discuss what they don’t care much for in school. It’s great to see their interests shape out and have a mind of their own. All a wonderful process of development.
Our children grow so fast so don’t forget to savor every moment. I will remember all that I have written right here, because before I leave to school myself that day I know I will break down. I will remind myself that this is the continuation for the love of education that I have already molded in my child. I look forward to watching him develop in all areas. I will embrace him and encourage him every step of the way!
Let’s Share- Is your child entering school for the first time? How do you think you will handle it?
Loved it! I am learning a lot from your posts! 😉
Great post! I’m a firm believer that all children should go to pre-school. You make great points.
It gets them use to being in the classroom, and the whole Kindergarten experience is less stressful for them….maybe not the parents, but for the kids for sure! Lol