****Disclosure: This post is written by MommyTeaches thanks to the generosity of Children’s book publishing company, “I See Me”. I received a personalized copy for my preschooler and one to giveaway to one lucky reader and, in exchange, have provided my honest opinion for readers below.****
When I was asked to review this book, I had no idea how close it would hit home. I have a soon-to-be preschooler and he will be going through everything described in this book. The fact that the award winning author, Jennifer Dewing, made it so realistic and for children to be able to make that text-to-world connection was fascinating to me. I was honored to review this book as a teacher and as a mother. Looking into my boy’s eyes, I was able to see that he could comprehend it and enjoyed the excitement behind the story of beginning preschool. As a mother, it gave me great pride and joy to see it unravel right before my eyes through this incredible book.
“The Very Important Preschooler (V.I.P.)” is an instant win because it is personalized. It comes with your child’s name in it so throughout the story, your child sees his name and hears his name in the story. The illustrations are vibrant and I LOVED that the characters were multicultural. The children were in various shades and shapes and some even had glasses. This is important for me as a Latina because I want my children to be able to see realistic people in their stories like we see on a day-to-day basis in our community. The book is a page-turner so its cover is sturdy and pages are secure and glossy.

From the very first page, the child is reminded of how cool he is and how exciting school truly is going to be. The illustrations take the reader through a journey of all the wonderful things school has to offer. Painting, reading and writing the alphabet, mathematics with illustrations of an abacus, sharing, holding hands, building blocks, and cooking are highlights. It was so amazing how the illustrator captured all of the adventurous moments of preschool in such a fun, relatable way. This book touches heavily upon self-esteem, making new friends, helping out, cleaning and more as it explores the core values of preschool in a beautiful text. This is the foundation of education and it was truly captured in this personalized book for your child!

I love that rhyming was incorporated into the book as the children are immersed in language in preschool and love silly rhymes. “The Very Important Preschooler (V.I.P.)” is now available at www.iseeme.com. If you don’t win the copy of this book, I urge you to purchase it now. It’s worth the time and the money as it’s really an investment for your child’s future in school. Your child will be excited to see a character just like him and it’s perfect for that new chapter in his life. You always hear me talk about the importance of early literacy and this is the book to begin with. This book will truly get your child excited and eager to learn, sparking that desire for knowledge that will last a lifetime!

Why do you think literacy at this age is important in creating a life long reader?
Please follow the Rafflecopter instructions below. One lucky winner over the age of 18 and a US resident will receive a copy of this selection.
****Disclosure: This post is written by MommyTeaches thanks to the generosity of Children’s book publishing company, “I See Me”. I received a personalized copy for my preschooler and one to giveaway to one lucky reader and, in exchange, have provided my honest opinion for readers.****
Since I am studying ECE, I have a strong passion for early literacy. We started reading to Lucas since he was a newborn and he has grown to love books. We go on weekly library trips to encourage literacy outside the home and to encourage a love for reading at such an early age. I believe starting them young is key because it’s important to instill a love of reading when they’re young so they can keep up with that love way until they are adults.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
You and I are on the same wavelength! I completely agree with you!
I did the same with my boys- we read to them both in utero–one is self
motivated and the other one rather have me read to him.
I think all children are different but definitely modeling to children is KEY!
Thanks love!!!
Loved the book, but the pictures are the best. sweet guy 🙂
Thanks so much Eli!
He LOVES his book and loves pics as well 😉
As a mother of a soon-to-be preschooler and a former educator, I believe early childhood literacy is the foundation for learning in general! Throughout life, we are expected to learn by reading whether it be training manuals at work or if we should decide to take up computer programming as a hobby! It is never too early to learn a skill that benefits us for a lifetime : )
100% agree– we have to read every single thing.
My soon to be preschooler is constantly asking what signs mean–to me that is early learning and pre-reading skills!
Thanks so much for reading and commenting—xoxoxo
Instilling a love of learning and reading at a young age is so important. We have engaged my son in many different learning opportunities from the minute he was born. I always have a new selection of books for him each week (we rotate all of his books, so they seem new to him). I hope he continues to love reading into adulthood. He sure loves it now.
I totally agree—that’s my only WISH–they will continue to LOVE it as they get older!
Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
You are appreciated!!!
I think reading is one of the most important first steps to learning. Studies have shown (I dont have the studies on hand but I know they are there! lol) that early readers do better in school and they have a better grasp on language and social skills! As a homeschooling mom, I find this really important. Plus, I love reading and I would to share that love with my children! 🙂
I am quite sure that study is accurate!
We are their best role models!
Kudos to you and thanks for reading and commenting sweetie!
We started reading to my little one the day she came home from the hospital. She loves to read and at 3.5 we take turns reading to each other at night. I love hearing her read ti me and her stuffed animals even though she has no idea what thw the words say-lol! I also make sure that we read in Spanish as well.
Reading to little ones as early as possible is the best thing that a parent can do to create a lifetime love of books. They are learning and hearing new sounds, new words and new situations. It is the best way to pass on your values and talk about many things they will be learning about. Their listening skills are being developed when you read to them. These books sound wonderful.
I think that the earlier a child reads (and is read to), the better the chances of him becoming a lifelong reader. Kids learn so fast at this age, it is even more important to introduce them to books.