Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Heifer International and all opinions are 100% mine.
Supporting our students is top on my priority list. As a classroom teacher and mother, I feel as though it’s my duty to make sure the children eat well. I make it an important part of my day to get down to the cafeteria five to ten minutes before to make sure they have a good breakfast. It’s how they begin their day in the morning and I want them to succeed! When I think of the success of my students The Heifer School Feeding Program comes to mind. The Heifer School Feeding Program was launched in July of 2017 to help communities. That’s what I’ve been doing for the past fifteen years of my life. I help communities of children!

This community is amazing, The Children’s ISA has many of users that help the kids family. Many children from the community would arrive to school late and without any breakfast. Many times when I would arrive downstairs they would be just walking in. I know that if they didn’t nourish those bodies and minds I would lose them for the rest of the day. They are presented with a rough schedule. Bombarded with core subjects at such a young age. Mathematics, English Language Arts, which entails a lot of comprehension, and social studies and science is a big deal for such young minds. I want to know and witness with my own two eyes that they have something in their system up until lunch, which may be two to three hours away. Imagine a child not having anything to eat since the night before, but walking into the classroom and having to complete all of this strenuous mind work on an empty stomach? That’s why my support for them is crucial right from the start!

Once I know my children have been nourished I feel fulfilled as an educator. It seems as though The Heifer School Feeding Program has the same goal in mind. Great minds think alike right? The ultimate goal of the program is to provide 9,000 pupils (ages 9 and under) in the Njombe, Iringa, Mbeya, and Songwe regions with a packet of free fresh milk every day Monday – Friday during the school year. Isn’t that amazing? Just think about it, one packet (200ml) of milk contains at least a quarter of the daily calcium requirements for children. We would be helping our children out tremendously to maintain their nutrition. Just like me, this program doesn’t want our children to suffer from nutrition. The Heifer Feeding Program knows just how important it is to focus on learning instead of the stress of hunger. What a relief!

School Milk Day is this coming Wednesday, September 27th and we need your help NOW! Let’s make a donation of any size. Please keep in mind that $75 can provide one student with fresh milk for an entire school year (that adds up to 40 cents a day). That would be great help if we could all just donate what we can. This program also assists with creating a reliable market for producers and increasing farmers’ incomes and reducing poverty. Isn’t that what we want for our world? It’s a win-win for everyone and I can rest well at night knowing that children in different parts of our country have been supported and well taken care of. How’s that for winning?

I love and appreciate my profession. It’s just not a profession in my eyes, it’s a way of life. I want our students to have the best quality of life there is. They are our future leaders so we need to take care of them! As their second mom it’s my call of duty to make sure that they eat well, learn all they need to learn from me, and live a happy and healthy life. At the end of each day, with The Heifer School Feeding Program I know that we are both doing right by our students wherever they are. Don’t you agree? Help our students today. Make a donation, whatever you can give and sleep well knowing you did what you could to make our future a better place for all of the beautiful children throughout the world.
For more info on Heifer International and all they do follow them on: Twitter, Instagram and YouTube
🙂 Please share this post as Women Online will donate $1 (up to $2,000) for every retweet or Facebook share for this post. Let’s get more milk to more kids! 🙂
Great post about a wonderful cause.