****This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Bloggers Connect and Huggies® and Babies R’ Us has provided me with a $50 gift card to give to one readers! I have been financially compensated to provide my opinion and review of the products. Even though I received compensation for this post, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on the products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines, 16 C.F.R Part 255****
It was a summer day and my sister and I were so EXCITED to be flying to Puerto Rico to introduce my first born to our family in Vega Baja! I had packed everything I need; diapers, snacks, blankets such as that Plaid Stitch, diapers, extra clothing, plastic bags and more diapers. You wonder why I said I reiterated diaper so many times? It wasn’t a typo. I was, in fact, diaper OBSESSED when my oldest was a baby, especially on an airplane. Why on a plane? Let me break this down for you….
Ever since I was a little girl, I could NOT stand airplane bathrooms. Is it me or do they make them way too small? The noise that comes out of the toilet when it flushes is the sound of something shooting out of it in the opposite direction. Why would I want to do my personal business in that let alone bring my child in there with me? Um, wait, is it even big enough to enter with your child to change your child comfortably? I think not!
Back to us on the plane….we snuggled in comfortably and I knew right from the start that I would NOT be getting up. This is why, when we booked our flight, we booked the seat with extra leg room because I knew I would have to change my child-but it would NOT be in the bathroom of the airplane. I carried along enough blankets to cover my baby and not offend anyone with unnecessary nudity. I also carried freshener just in case it was a “number 2” so it wouldn’t smell like baby poop for the entire international flight. I was prepared. Or so I thought! This was not the case so prepare to laugh and me and my new mami misfortunes.
Our trip to Puerto Rico was a little over three hours. About 45 minutes into the flight, boy was there chaos in the sky! My little man was very playful with his pacifier in his mouth to save him from the air pockets so he could have a comfortable flight. I felt his diaper and it was getting a bit stiff and I knew he needed a diaper change but at that moment they were coming around with drinks and snacks (at that time, they still gave you snacks). I didn’t want to change him as the attendants passed, only to start a conversation about my phobia of going into the bathroom to change my baby. I had to wait about 10 more minutes for them to serve and pass but that diaper couldn’t wait and neither could my boy.
As he was jumping up and down and giggling at me, his “hose” decided to let go and it was as if he didn’t have a diaper on at all! The urine somehow came spraying directly at me and all over my shirt. My sister immediately grabbed the tissues nearby to try to stop it but the little she did catch sprinkled all over his legs and continued through the tissue all over my shirt! We were NOT prepared for a shower of urine. We both laughed about the situation because it was my phobia that would not let me enter that bathroom where at least we could have wiped the surfaces down. I am quite sure that having a reliable diaper like Huggies ® Snug & Dry would have provided long-lasting protection for that flight and would have helped save my day. Let’s just say that “other” brand will remain anonymous!
This stubborn mom still did not enter the bathroom to change her baby boy. I had to lay him on my drenched lap, placing tons of those blankets I mentioned underneath and proceeded to detach the sides with that tape-like fastener. Unlike, Huggies ® that has the SnugFit Waistband for All-Around Fit, this particular diaper didn’t have that option. I really needed a Huggies® Snug & Dry diaper for that flight because the New Sure Fit Design would have provided me up to 12 hours of leakage protection. That’s right 12 hours! Imagine that? 45 minutes later I was covered in a disaster and my three hour trip made me even more nervous, not knowing what would happen next. Huggies® would have provided me with more protection because of their closer-to-body fit that moves with baby’s twists and turns, those same moves he was doing on that flight. That softer outer cover would have probably helped me a whole lot as well.
As a first time mother, I learned a lifelong lesson and Huggies® Snug & Dry Diapers became top priority on my list immediately. I never had one of those moments again thankfully! If this mom of two decides to aim for baby #3, bebe will definitely be protected with Huggies® . You can squirt me once, but next time, I will be the one to shower my baby with Huggies® protection and motherly love right from the start!
Let’s share- What was your most memorable diaper moment with your little one and why is being “Snug & Fit” important for better protection for your lil’ angel? Please share in your comment.
Disclosure: ****This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Bloggers Connect and Huggies® and Babies R’ Us has provided me with a $50 gift card to give to one readers! I have been financially compensated to provide my opinion and review of the products. Even though I received compensation for this post, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on the products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines, 16 C.F.R Part 255****
One lucky winner living in the continental US will receive a $50.00 Babies R Us® Gift Card by following the Rafflecopter instructions below. Good Luck!
the most memorable moment was when my son took off his diaper and tried to put it on our cat 🙂
HILARIOUS!!!! Poor cat 😉
Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting 😉
Get ready for a hippie-dippie Berkeley story. 🙂
For the first seven months, I had a cloth diaper delivery service for my baby and by then I was going to CRACK from sleep deprivation. What got me to replace the cloth diapers with disposables? I went on vacation for a week to visit my parents and discovered the Huggies overnight diapers. They were good for the ENTIRE night. Heaven. I’ve been telling my sister about them now that she has a three month old and is ready to die from sleep deprivation, too.
We could definitely use the gift card for the baby! Thanks for holding this contest!
That would definitely do it right?
Find a diaper like Huggies® ….not turning back!
Great share—thanks for reading and commenting love! 🙂
My most memorable diaper moment was when my,daughter was 4 months old. I had given my her her first taste of yogurt and she liked it. I then left her in the care of my 18yo brother while my mom and I went shopping. He calls me an hour after wr’ve gone to,report that my baby had an extremely messy diaper blowout. He said somehow poo had gotten all over entire body. I have been Huggies wipes and diapers from day one so I told him to hrab the entire package and het cleaning! I didn’t give her anymore until after she was a year old.
Poor brother of yours!
Glad you had Huggies® products to save the day!
Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing your story lovely!
Probably the day I had to put a size 1 diaper on her instead of a 3 because I had run out and the store didn’t have her size. All day long she kept leaking.
Yep–that would do it!
Thanks for reading and commenting.
AYAYYYY what can I say. My kids having Down syndrome have used diapers for a longer period of time. hum! I have crazy memories with the diapers, but I think the most memorable momento was one day at the gym’s childcare center. They pulled me out from my spinning class to find Ayelen literally swiming in her poo along with toys..yuck that was nasty haahah
That must have been a M-E-S-S-
Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing your story 😉
The most memorable moment was when my son was a newborn and peed straight up in the air at my face when I opened up his diaper to change him.
Oh Mary!!!!
I remember that too—MANY times!!!
Good thing we can laugh about it now 😉
Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.
My best was when my baby went through 4 diapers in a row, and still got it all over her changing table!
YIKES Sara!!!!
That must have been rough—
Thanks for reading and commenting doll!
one night I was half asleep changing my baby but managed to get the job done pues when I woke up in the morning I noticed I had put him two diapers.
LMFAO Leidy!!!!
Better protection!!!
Love it—what us moms do right???
Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting Amiga!
my son had a terrible blowout went up his back and everything and it wasnt pee
I couldn’t stand those BLOWOUTS/EXPLOSIONS–lol
That’s because we were NOT using the “Snug & Fit” Huggies brand–lol
Thanks for reading and commenting honey!
Oh about a month ago, we put a swim diaper on by mistake…and leaked all over. Couldnt figure out why it was leaking until we noticed it was the swim diaper instead! Had to laugh! 🙂
You think if it were a swim diaper it could sustain the urine–lol
Thanks for reading and commenting honey!
My daughter likes to do the diaper dash. But now she also learned how to snap them off and run around naked.
Love that—the “DIAPER DASH”…hahahahahha
Thanks for reading and commenting.
first time he peed over my head!
Gotta LOVE those–hahahahaah
Thanks sweetie
My most memorable diaper moment was from a child at a day care I worked at. He had a massive blowout shortly after I already changed him. He was all smiles the whole time. But I was a little freaked out wondering if he was ok because there was so much poop. I had to change his clothes and everything. He was fine. Not sick at all.
Don’t you LOVE how they smile and we as adults begin to fret!
LOL—Kids…those blowouts are KILLER!!!
Thanks for reading and commenting doll! 😉
the first “blow out” my nursing newborn had! ive had plenty of those since we just had baby number 4~ always an adventure!
The “blow outs” seem to be the baby special 😉
LOL—the worse–in the middle of the night or when you are out and about—ughhhhh
Thanks for reading and commenting sweets!
When. I was about to put the diaper on my son. And when I pull his legs up he pee over my husband face.
HILARIOUS—thank God it was hubby and NOt you–lol 😉
Thanks for reading and commenting.
My moment is when little dude, was 7 months at the time, had a messy diaper blowout while we went jogging at the park….and I still had 1.5 miles to go. Not a fun time lol. “/
YIKES!!! That’s a TOUGH one.
Thanks for commenting and reading.
I cant count how many up the back diaper blow outs Ive cleaned up after 3 boys. yuck! On a few occasions I cut the onesie off.
Totally agree with you!
I just feel this can all be AVOIDED if you have the BEST–which is HUGGIES!!! 😉