For New York City Public School children they have about less than a month left for school to end. Sometimes you hear parents talking about children not becoming accustomed to the new schedule now that school is over. During this time of year I do ease up a bit. Instead of having my 3rd grader do his homework on a Friday and incorporate some studying on the weekends, I allow him to do his homework on a Saturday night or early Sunday. Don’t get me wrong school is important and those who know me know that I am all for studying. At this point, he has worked hard throughout the year and he deserves a little bit of slack, just a little bit. All children do don’t you think?
Here is what we do to ease into the summer:
Switch up the schedule by not having to complete homework on a Friday is one of them. Also, I have him study in ways that he chooses. He may choose to study on the computer or through puzzles and games and that’s fine. He doesn’t have to study directly from a textbook like he would during the school year. This enables him to see that school is still important but we can incorporate it in various ways. This works best for us because in the summer he knows we really don’t follow a schedule, unless your child attends camp, then I would say you might need a schedule.
Becoming even more active is a great way to ease them into summer. During this time my boys are out more on the trampoline or in our swimming pool. When he comes home from school and the weather permits, I am less stressed to have him complete his homework. I allow him to go into the pool for a swim or work off that energy on the trampoline. He’s been in school for six hours, sitting and so why not allow him to get up and move? The summertime enables us to be out and about more, having more free time and being outside is always a great way to ease into summer.

Allowing more choices enables him to see that I am loosening up and allowing him to take responsibility. When we arrive home I will ask him what he would like to do first and how many homework assignments he has. He may do two assignments, jump on the trampoline, and then come indoors and finish the rest. It’s not so stressful to get it all done in one shot. A lot of what he’s doing is some review as well as some beginning fourth grade work, so we approach it gradually. Here are the best 10 ft trampolines reviewed here that you can read about.
Whatever you choose to do with your child remember that they are children. I am learning little by little NOT to be so rough. It has taken me a long time since I was a teacher and I know what the expectations are. I also know that a stressed or burned out child is NOT productive and conducive to allow for a wonderful learning experience. We will ease into summer continuing our learning regimen but enjoying all of what the season has to offer!

How will you ease into summer with your child?
[…] I think about the summer it takes me back to when I was younger. I looked forward to reading all the great titles I felt I […]