****Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored promotion with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. However, all opinions expressed are my own. ****
I was thrilled to find out that I was chosen to give a “Gift of Sleep” care package from Pampers. I always knew I wanted children and I am blessed to have two of my own, but I also know that it can be very hard as a mom when you don’t have an effective diaper protecting your child. Why? Well, because who can get any sleep when you have to wake up several times a night to change a crying baby who is uncomfortable and soiled? No one is happy when when they’re exhausted, and motherhood should be a happy experience.
Pampers makes sure their consumers are happy and taken care of. In my opinion, Pampers has always gone above and beyond your ordinary diaper to deliver the very best for baby and parents! Pampers is celebrating the launch of major upgrades across it’s entire line of diapers, training pants, and wipes and has included us in this expansion! They want to know what we think so they can continue to improve their product!

It doesn’t take a genius to know that after interviewing over 9,000 moms about what was most important for their baby, they longed for a diaper that provides superior overnight dryness. You can tell that Pampers did their research and now has an in depth understanding of what is best for both baby and parents. They have designed diapers that we as Mami’s can count on for up to 12 hours of overnight protection. This protection provides this little angel with a sleep-filled night and a well-rested Mami, ready to care for her bebe!

I recall bringing my youngest home from the hospital four years ago. Pampers Swaddlers, was the softest diaper and it was the #1 choice of my hospital. It was available through size 5 and it was effective. I used everything from The Pampers Baby Dry, which kept my baby drier up to three times more than “ordinary” diapers, and Pampers Cruisers, which was absorbent and leak-free when my bebe became more mobile. I was one HAPPY and WELL-RESTED Mami and cared for one HAPPY, dry-bottomed baby! I remember going shopping for diapers at Babies R Us and someone asked me why I didn’t use the cheaper brand. I responded, “cheaper isn’t better for my baby and me,” and truly, it wasn’t.

As a Mami of two, I believe wholeheartedly in Pampers. I believe in them so much that I recently gifted them to a new mom so she can experience the same satisfaction I got from them. It gave me great pride to provide a first time mom and her little princess with the “Gift of Sleep.” I took my boys along with me so they remember that life isn’t all about “receiving” and that it is wonderful to “give” as well. I explained to them what we were doing and then reinforced the importance of giving. I reminded them of the magnificence of giving life, and that moms need to be well-rested to take care of their new babies. I also told them that Mami’s are here to protect them right from the very beginning, and that this natural instinct begins when they start growing in our bellies.

My boys had a blast picking items to give to this sweet little princess. They chose products that would allow this baby to have a peaceful, comfortable sleep at night and for her Mami to be well rested enough to take the best care of her. She was provided swaddlers, personalized blankets from In2Green, pajamas, and a bedtime keepsake gift set. The items were hand-delivered to this long time friend and first time mother and she was extremely grateful for all that we gifted her. None of this would have been possible without the help of Pampers.

****Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored promotion with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. However, all opinions expressed are my own. ****
Now that we have given the “Gift of Sleep” let’s share- Who would you give the Gift of Sleep to and why? Enter the giveaway below with a comment and follow the rafflecopter instructions for a chance to win:
Giveaway: Cozy blankets for mom and baby and sleep sound machine + a $100 gift card so that one of you can GIVE the “Gift of Sleep” as well.
I would give it to my sister who just had a baby
I’d give it to myself. I’m expecting my first in Jan.
I’d give it to myself. I could use the gift of sleep!
I would give it to my friend who is due any day now. She is a hard worker and deserves to be pampered.
I would give the “Gift of Sleep” to a new mom, my sis, she could use all help she can get.
My sister who just had a new baby this past weekend! I love my new little nephew! 🙂
I would give it to my daughter who is due on Oct. 25 or my other daughter who is due Nov6. I am going to be a grandma to a girl and boy!!! Yeah I am excited.
to my cousin because she is a new mom and a first time one also
I would give it to my sister because she has a newborn.
I would give the gift of sleep to my good friend, who expecting her FOURTH baby, because I know that sleep is sooo important…especially for a new mom!
Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
besides me I would give it to my friend ricky! Hes a new dad of a mth old so it would help
I’d give it to my best friend because she is fixing to have a baby! Thank you.
I would give it to my sister because she is expecting
I’d give this to my SIL who had a new baby and could really use a pick-me-up and some help!
I would give this to my pregnant sister in law who is due in January!
This would definitely be for my SIL….she’s got two boys and is pregnant with twin girls!
I would give it to my sister in law whose baby has to have a few surgeries.
I would gift this to my sister who is due soon and will soon be very sleep deprived!
Myself, I really need sleep 🙂
I would give it to my husband’s coworker Howard and his wife who have a 4 month old baby girl
thanks for the giveaway
I’d use for myself- I have an 8 week old!
I would give it to my sister in law who is expecting her 4th baby girl
I definitely need more sleep
Looking from afar as moms & kids arrive at school in those early hours, toddlers in tow, and doing their very best to navigate through the crowded traffic w/ beautiful baby bumps. You can see the love connection & family bonds are so strong, handed down worn pj’s , slippers often go un replaced as they are not a fashion statement. I would love to stop a Momma at our new school who’s loving ways is so heart warming to watch. I’d love for them to be just as warm & feel the comfort of love with the gift of sleep.
Maybe even a gift of friendship, if possible.
i would give it to my sister in law, she is expecting her 4th baby girl in January and she could definitely put this gift to good use
It would give it away to my niece that this month your baby is born.
Me gustaria Ganarlo ya que seria de muchisima ayuda tengo 4 nenes entre ellos 2 bebes de pañales y serian buen regalo para ellos pero especialmente para mi recien nacido ♥ Y tambien para mi, Necesito Dormir Mas 😉