**** Disclosure: MommyTeaches was given the opportunity to access this app prior to its release in order to provide readers with an honest opinion****
Anything #LeapFrog has my attention, especially when it caters to my child’s individual needs. The new Learning Path app from LeapFrog does exactly what it claims to do. It’s designed once again with the child’s as well as the parent’s needs in mind. This app enables you to enter your child’s name and date of birth, and then leads you to his age-appropriate grade level. When his grade is calculated, you are presented with ideas that are tailored to your child’s age and learning stage.
When browsing through the app and becoming familiarized with it, I noticed that it offers community features including access to the LeapFrog learning team, as well as the dream of all dreams–tracking your child’s progress as he engages in valuable learning games with LeapFrog connected products. It’s a phenomenal resource to get personalized learning ideas and to share and discuss education-related topics. As parents, we are exposed to hundreds of printables, activities, videos, learning tips and advice and it’s often overwhelming. Here you can find what’s appropriate and productive for your child without an avalanche of information. It makes me feel even more secure with the app to know that it was created by the in-house team of experts over at LeapFrog.
When I opened the app for Carter (my Pre-K child), I was greeted with the week’s ideas. Showered with topics like: What types of books are best for my preschooler? A reminder to have your child recount what has happened so far in a story, a printable to identify if your child is distinguishing between individual sounds (phonemic awareness) and so much more. Teaching Kindergarten this year myself, I was able to make many connections and even use some ideas for my own classroom children.
I really enjoyed personalizing my app by adding the icon pictures for the boys. I was presented with topics such as how to keep my child inspired with his writing (a personal favorite of mine), learning various math strategies, discussing school with special needs children (a topic personally suited to myself as well), and touch screen learning for special needs children. Articles such as the ones I discussed and even one discussing maintaining confidence through learning math are just spot on topics for me. With the new Common Core State Standards in place, the work for students, teachers, and parents is more rigorous than ever. While challenging, the standards are not scaffolded or tailored to the needs of those children who require modifications due to their learning style.
I look forward to becoming even more acquainted with this new app and using it on a daily basis as another source for monitoring the progress of my boys. Education is an important topic in the Campos household and the fact that LeapFrog makes it a priority serves as even more of a reason we love them so! Check out this new LeapFrog Learning Path app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. To learn more about Learning Path, visit leapfrog.com/learningpath now! Don’t forget to tell them that MommyTeaches sent you and report back and let me know what you think!

We will check this out, leap frog is a family favorite here. So much to learn & explore safely.