** Disclosure: This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media. All opinions expressed above are my own and are not influenced in any way.**
Having been a teacher since the tender age of 21, I cannot even begin to tell you just how much of my own money I have spent at Staples for the benefit of the students in my classroom over the years. Teacher’s Choice (what our spending allowance from the district is called) just doesn’t cut it anymore! Honestly, did it ever meet the budgetary needs of a teacher? NO WAY!!! There have been years during which I have spent close to $1000 of my own cash on supplies as well as decorations for my class. As the years have gone by, I’ve recycled (I tried to anyway) and allowed the children to create things with scraps or leftovers instead of purchasing store bought items just so that we would save money and it was a bit more personalized by them! After all, this is their space too, right? Creating their own classroom decorations and contributing to their learning space makes students feel special and valued. I know because that’s the way Staples makes me feel!
The appreciation that I receive for my contribution each year has been through my students but through Staples as well! This year, I feel even more appreciated knowing that Teacher Appreciation Week will take place from August 2nd through August 8th at none other than Staples. Staples values their teacher customers so much that they will provide us with an exclusive coupon that will give us 40 percent back in Staples Teacher Rewards on popular items that all of us teachers need tremendously in our classrooms! These include school supplies, teaching and art supplies as well as cleaning supplies (a total must have) from brands that we A.D.O.R.E. such as Sharpie, 3M and Crayola (all my favs, I must add).
I am NOT an online shopper since I love to touch and see things up close! Yes, I am that visual learner. The fact that this offer from Staples applies to in-store purchases (and not online) made me jump over the moon! I can shop in the store and still get the full benefit unlike other companies that only incentivize online shopping. This will begin on Sunday, August 2nd and run through Saturday, August 8th. It excludes technology, Staples Less List & Extreme Deal Offers since it’s meant to help us with classroom supplies only, really. The Refer a Fellow Teacher offer extends the savings to other educators too, isn’t that FABULOUS? I don’t know about you but for me, that sounds like a deal!
Will you be taking advantage of this offer? In addition to the 40% back in Staples® Teacher Rewards, we can use the Staples Less List, back to school 110% Lowest Price guarantee and Extreme Deals to save even more! I am in need of a new planner so I was elated when I found out that as a Staples Rewards Member I can purchase a customizable Staples brand planner for only $24.99 (regularly $39.99) with the discount code that is provided online only! I’m feeling extra valued and appreciated because I will be rocking a fresh planner!
My advice to you is to go now and download your 40% back in Staples® Teacher Rewards coupon and find information on the customizable Staples brand teacher planner at www.Staples.com/classroom. I am a Staples® Teacher Rewards member so I get extremely excited with all the perks I receive! I love finding coupons in the mail, don’t you? I feel extra special and valued when I receive mail (including coupons and special offers) from Staples! To sign up for free Staples Rewards membership or for more information about the Teacher Rewards program, please visit StaplesRewardsCenter.com. Trust me, you DO NOT want to miss out! Show Staples some extra love by following them on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and tweet with the hashtag #MoreForTeachers #MomBuzz and tell them MommyTeaches sent you!
Care to share: What favorite supplies will you be looking forward to picking up when you stop into Staples to shop for supplies this year?
Oh, and one more thing I forgot to add— ENTER the GIVEAWAY below:
Prize: (3) winners each get a $50 Staples Gift Card
** Disclosure: This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media. All opinions expressed above are my own and are not influenced in any way.**
The best teacher I had was my 6th grade English teacher Mrs. Shelton! She was so awesome and always so sweet to us. She made learning fun and always wanted us to do the best we could. She helped me so much to dig down deep and really show my potential!
One of the best teachers I had was in high school. She pushed an encouraged me to always follow my dreams and be confident. She made learning fun and it made me enjoy her class so much more. We need more teachers like her to encourage children to always step outside the box and be creative. She made me realize the possibilities are endless to all the things I could do with my life.
I love Staples Teacher Appreciation Perks. This is a great giveaway, everyone could use this for Back To School Supplies.
The best teacher I ever had was Mrs. Wood. She encouraged individuality and creativity! I learned so much that year!
My best teacher was my science teacher my Freshman year. He made learning fun and didn’t take things too seriously.