Just the other day, I posted about the first week of the New Year being over and how I was feeling more relaxed. I am truly taking this New Year to celebrate life. Not that I haven’t celebrated it prior to 2015, but in my heart I believe I took many things for granted. I want to celebrate and appreciate more of what takes place in my life, even the smallest of things I maybe didn’t notice or appreciate before. For example, something as tiny as sleep.

I used to find myself stressing over the littlest of things, developing a headache and becoming a total worry wart. I can’t tell you what took place and when the transition began, but I can say I am stronger now and I don’t let things get me worked up. In December, something happened (sorry for the vagueness), and I remember thinking that the old me would have started hyperventilating and become so worried about it all. I looked at my husband (who at that point was stressing) and said, “Don’t worry, it will work itself out” and guess what…it did!!! At that point, I appreciated what I had and I knew that things could be much worse.

I have also taken on an appreciation for my life a bit more. It might sound stupid like, “you didn’t appreciate your life?” but hear me out. I think I didn’t appreciate the fact that I could live healthier and that I should cut myself more slack. I am determined now to allow my brain and body to rest. I am always on overdrive so going to bed late isn’t good for me. I thought I had to write more, or be on social media 24/7 but then I realized..hellooooo, I am at my career during the day all day and I can’t try to be superwoman always at work. I caught myself going to bed at midnight every night and waking up at five feeling EXHAUSTED!!!! I owed it to myself to treat my body better and appreciate myself and the things I do already.

Now, it’s still early on in the year but at least I am aware of these things. I am appreciating myself more and I’m making sure to allot myself some down time whether it be reading a book my son is reading or even one for enjoyment for myself. I also have plenty of extra bonding time with my husband now that he is injured from work. It was hard at first but hiring an attorney from hensleylegal.com really helped my husband with his compensation claim. I appreciate this time for us to bond and the gift to reconnect with him. I find myself coming home and looking forward to the down time and celebrating the fact that I am giving it to myself.

I only hope that I stay on this track. Somehow, I believe I will because I am aware that I was not celebrating or appreciating life before. It’s something that is weighing on my mind and I have committed to. I like the new me who comes home on Fridays and unwinds with a glass of wine (I was never a drinker) and just cuddles with my husband and children while watching a family movie. I give myself the time to read what I want…and it feels damn good!!! I pray that this continues and that it never ends because I love this new balance and this way that I celebrate and enjoy my life which is just too precious to let slip by!
Sweet share Happy New Year mama, hope this year is full of great adventures for you and that you share some of them lol 🙂
Mil Gracias, Amiga!
Wishing you all the best as well <3