Disclosure: This is a LivingTree sponsored post, however all opinions are my very own.
If you ask any teacher they will tell you that they ADORE Parent Involvement. We can NEVER get enough! A positive tone is set for the entire school year right from the start when parents make an effort. As the school year begins, sadly, we quickly learn which parents we can count on and which work with their children at home. Parent Involvement is evident right from the start and, for teachers, when it’s lacking, we do everything possible to bring those parents in and get them involved. In our school, we conducted workshops and hosted morning gatherings so that parents would come to know that they were valued and appreciated. This was an open and strong invitation for all parents to attend and take action to support their child’s education.
There’s nothing better than working with others who believe in this same mission. Living Tree and I see eye to eye because they feel the very same way. The CEO, Joni Carswell, states “Parent Engagement is our passion.” As it should be… it should be the passion of all for we must invest in our children and their future. What better way than to be actively engaged in what is going on as parents? Whether it be through parent conferences, workshops, volunteering, or just being present within the school system, it makes every bit of a difference.
As parents, we have to model to our children that learning doesn’t stop when we exit the school. Learning and knowledge continue to grow because as parents we continue the learning process at home and in the community. We are the bridge from school and once children see this on a daily basis, it becomes a routine. Children begin to see that parents and teachers work together, never against one another. I am constantly discussing how important it is for parents to step up and meet with their child’s teacher. Let’s not wait until something negative takes place to get involved but let’s focus in on the positive and enable our children to work harder and smarter to benefit their future.
Now that my son is in middle school, my involvement continues. In fact it’s even stronger because he has multiple classes and there is more to do. Although he is in a smaller classroom setting, one that fits his needs, my involvement was necessary to make those changes. As parents we don’t realize how our voice and actions impact our child and their future. Had I been a parent who was not involved he may not have received the services that he needed to be successful as he transitioned to middle school! Our involvement as parents is crucial for the education of our children, we are proof of it as a family!
I am so thankful that my son’s middle school was very accepting of the fact that I wanted to be so involved. Instead of taking it in a negative way, they received me with open arms and addressed all of my concerns. They often tell me that they reason for his tremendous success is due to my involvement and voicing what he needs. My response, “It takes a village, and we all have work collaboratively…for that I am grateful.” From one parent to another… get involved now!!!!
Disclosure: This is a LivingTree sponsored post, however all opinions are my very own.
Parent involvement is the key to our kids success, and I love this organization. It’s awesome.
Parent involvement is key! I am more involved now that they are older than when they were younger. I have to keep a watchful eye on their performance. If I don’t, who will? Thank you for this post!